Importance of Integrating Behavioral Health and Primary Care

Behavioral health therapies are holistic in nature, focusing on the full individual. This includes not only physical health but also mental and emotional wellbeing for our patients. We educate our patients on how to adopt healthy practices in order to live a long and joyful life. Good behavioral and mental health enables individuals to perform more efficiently, manage more effectively with everyday stress, maintain a positive outlook, and maintain healthy eating, sleeping, and exercise routines.

Individuals suffering from mental problems typically seek treatment from their Primary Care Physician (PCP). Although approximately one in every four to five adults suffers from a mental disorder, some studies indicate that as few as 5% of those individuals seek treatment from behavioral health specialists. Integrating behavioral health with general care may be the key to reaching more individuals and making a significant difference in the lives of those suffering from mental disorders.

By integrating behavioral health into general care, doctors can address the entire patient. By collaborating on cases, medical and behavioral health doctors obtain a better understanding of the individual’s difficulties and how to treat them most effectively. This technique can free up the time of the medical provider during appointments to address more medically-related concerns. Additionally, primary care settings are more accessible and have a far more diversified patient group.

Individuals may also benefit from seeking behavioral health treatment within their primary care environment. Individuals express less anxiety about mental health stigma when visiting their primary care physician’s office. Additionally, integrated behavioral health has considerable favorable outcomes, including a reduction in depression levels, an increase in quality of life, a reduction in stress, and a reduction in mental hospitalization rates. The evidence demonstrates that when persons’ medical and behavioral issues are addressed, they are more compliant with their physical disorder treatment.

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